When we first arrived in Chicago, we bumped into another dog owner walking her dog at the park early in the morning and started chatting with her. She welcomed us to the city, saying that she moved 15 years ago or so and loves living here, just not its long, gray winter. I wasn't sure what it meant but now that we are here for 1.5 months, I can see it. Yes, it has been warmer and sunnier than its usual but gray is a dominant winter color here! I like sunny days but I also love gray photos. I am still not complaning. The photo above is from our drive to Wisconsin this weekend. The wind was brushing roads with snow.
During our last month in Turkey, both my cell phone and red Dell laptop started giving me a hard time. They both took a very long time to perform simple tasks and my laptop sometimes just did not start. It is an irritating thing to backup your data every other night thinking that you might not have it the next time.
When we arrived in Chicago, I got a new iPhone and shortly afterwards, an iMac Pro. My two last Dell laptops did not age very well and I have not been using any Windows-only software for a while. So, when John proposed I return to Mac, I thought why not. I am delighted to be a Mac user again. I am mesmerized with the technology they developed, especially iCloud and Time Machine. I have an iPhone and an iPad. Now, without connecting anything to anything, they can all have the same calendar, address book, photos... on them. For the organized virgo(me), this is just great.
I still questioned the sales guys at the apple store quite a bit when I was buying my laptop (wanted to make sure that I was doing the right thing). He gave a dealbreaker answer when he said: "Do you see a Windows support store around? We make hardware and software and are around to help you when you have problems." It is true.