I have two apps on my phone that I love. I don't use them everyday. They do not connect me to friends. They don't get me "likes."
I like them because they are great at what they do. Someone identified a need and created a beautiful product for it. They look good, are easy to use and make me happy. The first one is Cash.
You connect it your bank account, enter the amount you want to pay or request, click the button and you are all done. You do need to enter the email address of the recipient but once it is in the system, you do not need to repeat this step. So easy.
The other one is Chatbooks.
Once you connect this app to your Instagram account, you are able to order a simple photo album every time you post 60 Instagram photos. You can choose the cover photo, you can change the name, only if you want to. This is the easiest way to get a curated photo album without curating the photos online or within another app. As you have already posted - hopefully - only nice photos to your Instagram account, your simple but elegant looking album lands on your coffee table shortly after the 60th post. I am due for a new album in one photo!