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Lula okulunda ikinci yilina basladi!
Cektigimiz fotograflara bakinca cok gulduk:
Lula: Tek basima olmadi yahu. Adele, gel, hadi gel buraya.
Adele: Hi, hi, hi...
Lula: Simdi oldu.
David Foster Wallace: Consider the Lobster and Other Essays
Anya Kamenetz: The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don’t Have to Be
Catel Muller: Kiki de Montparnasse
Ernest Hemingway: A Moveable Feast
Paula McLain: The Paris Wife: A Novel
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: The Story of Success
ContraVampire Weekend: Contra
High Fidelity: High Fidelity